Are you researching wrinkle treatment options with Botulinum Toxin Fortaleza? Then this article is for you!
Dr. Igor Ribeiro is a dentist with a postgraduate degree in Harmonization from the MARC institute (Miami Anatomical Research Center), one of the largest anatomy centers in the world. Here he will answer the main questions about Harmonization and Botulinum Toxin in Fortaleza.
1. The toxin leaves the person expressionless
Myth. This is one of the most common questions among people who want to undergo the procedure. Dr. Igor explains that what happens is that the toxin paralyzes “Relax” some points of contraction of the facial muscles. However, when correctly applied there is no risk of loss of expression.
2. Young people cannot use botulinum toxin
Myth. Because it is often related to its rejuvenating function, the toxin may not seem to be made for young people. However, this is not true. Botulinum Toxin (Botox in Fortaleza) can be very useful in wrinkle prevention, lines and expression marks. Furthermore, there are also other uses that will be explained later by Dr. Igor Ribeiro.
3. The younger you apply, the greater the amount of product needed over the years
Myth. Now that you understand that botulinum toxin can be used as a preventative, but are you afraid to start using it early? Don't worry, Dentist Igor explains that the starting age has no impact on the amount of product that should be used in the future.

4. The result is temporary
True. Botulinum toxin acts for a period of approximately 2 to 5 months. After this time, a new application is necessary. Igor Ribeiro explains that the result appears approximately 72 hours after the procedure.
5. You cannot massage your face or do physical activity after applying
True. You must wait at least 24 hours to have any type of facial massage. Furthermore, it is also recommended to avoid the use of facial devices. Physical activity, as well as lowering the head, is permitted 4 hours after the procedure. Igor Ribeiro Rola clarifies that this prevents the botulinum toxin from migrating.
6. It is possible to reposition eyebrows with botulinum toxin
True. It is possible to correct asymmetries and lift the eyebrows “eyebrow arching with botulinum toxin” or even “fox eyes”. According to Dr. Igor, this occurs by paralyzing or reducing muscle contraction. The application site is on the forehead or frontal region of the face.
7. Can combat excess underarm sweat
True. Its application to the armpit inhibits acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter that regulates the glands that produce sweat. This way, if the patient suffers from hyperhidrosis they can stop sweating or reduce the occurrence. In this specific area, the procedure performed by Dermatologists.
8. Botulinum toxin is only used for aesthetic treatments
Myth. Dentist Igor Ribeiro points out that for the therapeutic use of the substance. This is the case for the treatment of headaches that have dental or tension origins and also those caused by temporomandibular dysfunction. Botulinum toxin treatment in Fortaleza is sought after for both the aesthetic and functional areas.
9. Botulinum toxin does not allow the use of anesthesia
Myth. What usually happens is that the use of anesthesia is not required, as the treatment is not very painful. However, it can be used when botulinum toxin is used to treat migraines. This happens since several applications and several points on the face are required.
Do you want to undergo wrinkle treatment in Fortaleza?
With applications of Botulinum Toxin, Dr. Igor Ribeiro uses Full Face Techniques, which are the set of fillers in different areas of the face. The result is facial aesthetics and ideal harmonization for each patient.

If what you are looking for is Facial Harmonization in Fortaleza, contact the specialist. He developed techniques for fillings with hyaluronic acid that can promote facial rejuvenation, aesthetics and non-surgical lifting.
Dr. Igor Ribeiro works at the Bill Rola Laser Dentistry Center in the capital of Ceará. O dentist in Fortaleza receives patients from all over Brazil and the world, looking for treatments in the country that is a reference in the subject.