Endodontics in Fortaleza: Everything you need to know

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endodontics in Fortaleza

Endodontics in Fortaleza: Solution to complex dental problems

Endodontics is a dental specialty that aims to treat the pulp of the tooth, also known as the “nerve”. This technique is indicated when the pulp is inflamed or infected and needs to be removed. In Fortaleza, you can count on highly qualified professionals in the field of endodontics, who offer effective and safe treatments.

Why look for an endodontic specialist in Fortaleza?

When a tooth suffers a deep cavity or trauma, inflammation or infection of the dental pulp can occur. This condition can cause intense pain, sensitivity to cold and heat, swollen gums, among other unpleasant symptoms.

If you are located in Fortaleza and are experiencing any of these symptoms, it is essential to seek out an endodontic specialist as soon as possible. Professionals in this field have the experience and knowledge to deal with complex dental problems, such as root canal infections, oblique root canals, root perforation, among others.

What treatments are offered by an endodontic specialist?

You endodontic specialists in Fortaleza offer a wide range of treatments to relieve pain, treat infection and save the affected tooth. Some of the most common procedures performed by these professionals include:

1. Root canal treatment

Root canal treatment is the best known and most used technique in endodontics. During the procedure, the dentist removes the compromised dental pulp, cleans the root canal and fills it with a specific substance to prevent reinfection. After root canal treatment, it is common to place a dental crown to restore the structure and functionality of the tooth.

2. Root canal treatment in Fortaleza

In some cases, a previous root canal treatment may fail or become compromised due to a recurring infection. In these cases, an endodontic specialist can perform a root canal retreatment to remove the infection, clean the canal again, and fill it properly. This procedure is essential to ensure tooth health and avoid extraction.

3. Apicoectomy

When root canal treatment is not enough to eliminate the infection, it may be necessary to perform a root canal. apicectomy. In this procedure, the tip of the tooth root is surgically removed along with the infected tissue. After apicoectomy, the area is sutured and the healing process is monitored by the specialist.

4. Pulp revascularization

Pulp revascularization is an innovative treatment that aims to stimulate the growth of healthy pulp tissue in young teeth with incompletely developed roots. This procedure allows the tooth to continue its development normally, thus avoiding the need for more invasive treatments, such as a root canal.

5. Microsurgical endodontics

In more complex cases, when traditional root canal treatment is not sufficient, an endodontic specialist can perform endodontic surgery. This procedure, known as microsurgical endodontics, is performed through a small incision in the gum, allowing the professional to access the apex of the tooth root to effectively treat the infection.


In summary, endodontics in Fortaleza is a dental specialty that offers effective solutions to complex and painful dental problems. Specialists in this field have the knowledge and experience necessary to perform treatments such as root canal treatment, root canal retreatment, apicoectomy, pulp revascularization and microsurgical endodontics.

So, if you are facing any dental problems, Do not hesitate to look for an endodontic specialist in Fortaleza. Proper treatment and specialized attention can make all the difference in your oral health and quality of life.

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