Facial harmonization, silicone implants and dental lenses are among the most sought-after aesthetic treatments in 2021

Have you ever looked at yourself and wished for changes in your body? Most people have, and the number of clinics specializing in plastic surgery is only growing. However, the search for dental perfection is growing even more, especially in renowned clinics such as Dr. Igor Ribeiro, in Fortaleza, Ceará. Dental veneers, implants and facial harmonization procedures are increasingly popular. 

In 2021, it is estimated that record numbers of new procedures will be reached in these areas. Especially because, as Igor Ribeiro points out to Exame: “Dentistry is an area that involves not only theoretical knowledge, but also the artistic side”.

facial harmonization

Dr. Igor Ribeiro is one of the leading experts in facial harmonization in Brazil, and a pioneer of the procedure in Fortaleza. Known as the “Dentist of the Celebrities”, Igor is one of the Brazilian references in the field. First of all, in order to know exactly what it is, it is necessary to define facial harmonization. This is a facial filling procedure, promoting improved facial angulation.

 It is worth noting that the procedure is not a surgical intervention, which makes it even more attractive to those who want to change their appearance and enhance their beauty. In 2021, it is estimated that there will be a record year in relation to procedures of this type, even due to the popularization of the change. 

However, it is also important to make it clear that seeking a high-quality professional makes all the difference in the process. Only specialists in facial harmonization, such as Dr. Igor Ribeiro, will be able to make your face truly harmonious and well-filled.

Silicone implants

Silicone dental prostheses are among the most sought after on the market, although dental veneers are already more popular. In any case, this is a very well thought out technique that seeks to replace one or more missing teeth. 

It is a wonderful way to maintain the quality of your smile, as well as greatly improving your daily life. Chewing and speaking, for example, are two things that become much easier when you have silicone implants. 

Again, seeking out a quality professional is essential, as this is the only way to access all the many benefits of silicone dental implants.

Dental lenses

Dental veneers have already surpassed silicone implants, having more demand than their competitor. The demand for dental veneers grows at a rate of 300% per year, while the demand for silicone implants only increases by 10% in the same period. 

This is because dental veneers offer, in addition to quality of life, an unparalleled aesthetic side. It has become very common for celebrities, whether singers, actors or influencers, to use dental veneers. 

As expected, Dr. Igor Ribeiro, a dentist to celebrities in Fortaleza, is one of the leading names in the dental veneer market. By following the patient from the initial phase of treatment, Igor offers excellent service, making him one of the biggest names in dental veneers in Brazil.

Dr. Igor Ribeiro

Dr. Igor Ribeiro | Igor Ribeiro Rola - Graduation in Dentistry at UNIFOR (University of Fortaleza). - Postgraduate in Dental Prosthesis at UNICRISTHUS. - Graduated in Facial Harmonization at the MARC Institute (Miami Anatomical Research Center) Miami, FL.

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