Dental Braces in Fortaleza: Modern Solutions for your Smile

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Fortaleza Dental Braces

Fortaleza Dental Braces:

Finding the best dental braces in Fortaleza can be the key to a healthy and beautiful smile. When it comes to quality orthodontic care, it is essential to have a dental clinic that offers a variety of options, an appropriate installation process, tips for care and maintenance, and positive patient experiences.

In this article, we will explore the benefits of dental braces, the different options available, the installation process, tips for care and maintenance, patient experiences and introduce you to the renowned orthodontics clinic in Fortaleza, IBR Clinic.

Benefits of Dental Braces

Benefits of Dental Braces

O braces offers a series of benefits that go beyond simple teeth correction. By choosing to use dental braces, patients can enjoy a series of advantages that will positively impact their oral health and quality of life.

Teeth Alignment

The main benefit of dental braces is the alignment of teeth, which not only improves the aesthetics of the smile, but also contributes to better chewing function and clearer speech.

Bite Correction

In addition to teeth alignment, dental braces are also effective in correcting bite problems such as crossbite, open bite, deep bite and open bite.

Preventing Future Problems

Orthodontic correction performed by dental braces can prevent a series of future problems, such as abnormal tooth wear, temporomandibular joint (TMJ) problems and headaches related to malocclusion.

Improved Oral Health

With the correction provided by dental braces, oral hygiene becomes more effective, reducing the accumulation of bacterial plaque, preventing cavities and gum disease.

Self-esteem and Confidence

The positive impact on the aesthetics of the smile provided by dental braces contributes to increasing the patient's self-esteem and confidence, reflected in different areas of life.

In short, the benefits of dental braces go far beyond aesthetics, providing significant improvements in the patient's oral health and emotional well-being.

Dental Braces Options

Dental Braces Options

Orthodontics offers several dental braces options to correct alignment and bite problems. Each type of device has specific characteristics, and choosing the most appropriate one depends on the patient's individual needs.

Fixed Devices

Fixed appliances are made up of brackets, wires and elastics. They are attached to the teeth and cannot be removed by the patient. Brackets can be metallic, ceramic or aesthetic, offering options for different aesthetic preferences.

Mobile Devices

Mobile devices are removable and are generally used in growing children. They can be made of acrylic and have metal clips for fixing. These appliances are adjusted periodically to monitor the growth and movement of teeth.

Invisalign braces

Invisalign is a system of transparent and removable aligners, custom-made for the patient's teeth. They are practically invisible and offer more freedom and comfort during orthodontic treatment.

Self-connected devices

Self-ligating braces use brackets that do not require rubber bands or metal ligatures to secure the wires. This reduces friction and the number of adjustment appointments, providing more efficient treatment.

It is important to consult an orthodontist to evaluate dental braces options and find the best solution for each case.

Installation Process

Installation Process

Installing dental braces is an important and delicate process that requires the expertise of a qualified orthodontist. During installation, the patient can expect the following steps:

1. Initial Assessment

The orthodontist will perform a complete evaluation of the patient's tooth structure, including x-rays and impressions, to determine the best approach for installing braces.

2. Teeth Preparation

Before installation, the patient's teeth will be cleaned and prepared for the application of the device, ensuring a suitable surface for fixing.

3. Device Installation

With the teeth prepared, the orthodontist will proceed with the careful installation of the device, ensuring that it is positioned correctly to promote the desired orthodontic correction.

4. Care Instructions

After installation, the orthodontist will provide detailed instructions on how to care for the braces, including information on oral hygiene, diet and specific care to avoid discomfort.

It is essential to follow all the orthodontist's instructions to ensure the success of treatment with dental braces.

Tips for Care and Maintenance

Tips for Care and Maintenance

Proper maintenance of dental appliances is essential to ensure the success of orthodontic treatment. Here are some important tips for caring for your braces and maintaining oral health during treatment.

1. Regular Sanitization

It is crucial to maintain a strict oral hygiene routine when wearing braces. Brush your teeth after each meal and floss daily to remove food residue that may get stuck in your braces.

2. Mindful Eating

Avoid sticky, hard or excessively sugary foods, as these can damage the device. Choose a balanced diet and avoid foods that could cause damage to your braces or teeth.

3. Follow the Orthodontist's Guidelines

It is essential to follow the orthodontist's instructions regarding use of the device and schedule regular appointments for adjustments and evaluations. Do not attempt to adjust or repair the appliance yourself.

4. Use Mouthguards

If you play contact sports, wear a mouthguard to protect your braces and teeth from possible injuries. This is especially important for those who play high-impact sports.

5. Maintain Regular Dentist Appointments

In addition to routine orthodontist appointments, it is important to continue visiting your dentist regularly to ensure your overall oral health and identify any problems early.

Remember that proper care and maintenance of your dental appliance is essential to achieving the desired results from orthodontic treatment. Follow these tips and always consult oral health professionals to ensure a healthy and beautiful smile.

Patient Experiences

Patient Experiences

Here are some real-life experiences from patients who have had dental braces and how it has positively impacted their lives.


  • Joana, 28 years old

    Before using dental braces, I was very insecure about my smile. After the treatment, my self-esteem increased significantly and I can now smile without fear.

  • Carlos, 35 years old

    I had bite problems and this caused me discomfort when eating. With the device, this problem was corrected and now I can enjoy meals without worries.

  • Maria, 17 years old

    At first, I was afraid to use the device, but the clinic team was very attentive and guided me throughout the process. The result was worth it and I am very happy with my new smile.

These are just a few examples of the positive transformations that using dental braces has brought to the lives of our patients.

Orthodontics Clinic in Fortaleza, discover the IBR Clinic

Orthodontics Clinic in Fortaleza, discover the IBR Clinic

A IBR Clinic is a clinic specializing in orthodontics located in Fortaleza. Our team is made up of highly qualified and experienced professionals, dedicated to providing the best care and personalized orthodontic treatment for each patient.

Services Offered

At IBR Clinic, we offer a wide range of orthodontic services, including:

  • Orthodontic correction treatments for children, adolescents and adults
  • Traditional and aesthetic orthodontic appliances
  • Accelerated orthodontic treatments
  • Assessment and treatment planning consultations

Advanced technology

Our clinic is equipped with cutting-edge technology to ensure accurate and effective treatments. We use innovative devices and techniques to provide high quality results for our patients.

Personalized service

We understand that each patient is unique, which is why we personalize each treatment according to the specific needs of each person. Our team is dedicated to providing a welcoming and friendly environment, always aiming for patient comfort and satisfaction.

At IBR Clinic, we are committed to providing the highest standards of orthodontic care, ensuring each patient has a positive experience and long-lasting results. Schedule an appointment with us and take the first step towards achieving a healthy, beautiful smile!

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