Peeling: everything about the aesthetic procedure

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Peeling is an aesthetic procedure that is highly sought after by people who want to improve the appearance of their skin. In this article, we will talk about what peeling is, how it works and what the different types of peeling are available.

What is peeling?

Peeling is an aesthetic procedure that consists of applying chemical substances to the skin, with the aim of promoting cell renewal and improving its appearance. This procedure can be done on different parts of the body, such as the face, neck, hands and chest.

There are different types of peeling, which vary according to the depth of penetration of the substances used. These types are classified as superficial, medium and deep.

How does peeling work?

Peeling works through the controlled removal of the superficial layers of the skin. The chemicals applied cause the skin to peel, stimulating cell regeneration and collagen production.

After the peeling, the skin goes through a renewal process, resulting in a smoother, more uniform and rejuvenated appearance. Furthermore, peeling can also be effective in treating blemishes, wrinkles, scars and other skin imperfections.

Types of peeling

As mentioned previously, there are different types of peeling, which vary according to the depth of penetration of the substances used. The main types are:

Superficial peeling:

This type of peeling acts only on the outer layers of the skin, and is recommended for treating superficial blemishes, acne and rejuvenation. Generally, superficial peeling can be done with acids such as glycolic or salicylic acid.

Medium peeling:

Medium peeling reaches deeper layers of the skin and is recommended for treating fine wrinkles, acne scars and melasma. In this type of peeling, substances such as trichloroacetic acid are used.

Deep peeling:

Deep peeling is more aggressive and reaches even deeper layers of the skin. This type of peeling is recommended for treating deep wrinkles, deep acne scars and other more serious imperfections. Generally, deep peeling is done with phenol.

Care after peeling

After carrying out the peeling, it is essential to follow some recommendations to ensure a good recovery and avoid complications. Some precautions include:

– Use sunscreen daily to protect the skin from ultraviolet rays;

– Avoid excessive sun exposure and wear a hat and sunglasses;

– Moisturize the skin daily, using products recommended by the professional;

– Avoid scratching or rubbing the skin during the peeling process;

– Follow the professional’s instructions regarding cleansing and hydrating the skin.


Peeling is an effective aesthetic procedure to improve the appearance of the skin, promoting cell renewal and stimulating collagen production. There are different types of peeling, which vary according to the depth of penetration of the substances used. It is important to follow the recommended care after peeling to ensure a good recovery and satisfactory results.

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