“With harmonization we can modify the face in a subtle and harmonious way, improving facial features or rejuvenating the shape it used to be”, says the dentist Igor Ribeiro. He cites as an example Bradley Cooper, director and actor of A Star Is Born, with Lady Gaga, who according to the expert “appears to have undergone harmonization procedures, defined cheekbones, regions of the forehead without definitive marks, which resembles botox and microneedling”.
Facial Harmonization is nothing more than a set of procedures that aim to achieve aesthetic and functional balance of the face. The technique is painless and can be performed in the dentist's office. It is even recognized by the Federal Council of Dentistry (CFO) as a dental specialty.
Lip filling is part of the procedure, mandibular definition and changes in the nose. It is also possible to reduce double chins (Lipo de Papada) and dark circles. In addition, botulinum toxin is also used to prevent or soften wrinkles and correct a gummy smile. A youthful appearance is one of the most desired results for those seeking this type of treatment.
— Read on observatoriodocinema.uol.com.br/famosos/2020/10/dentista-igor-ribeiro-revela-segredo-da-harmonização-facial-nas-estars-do-cinema
Facial Harmonization in Fortaleza