Get to know Mandibular Filling, a procedure that improves the Contour, Definition and angle of the mandible

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The quest to improve appearance is a constant for people of all ages around the world. People undergo many different procedures, whether to improve self-esteem or to perform better in different social situations. O mandibular filling It is currently one of the most sought after for those looking to improve the contour of their jaw and do not want to undergo surgery. The specialist Dr. Igor Ribeiro In his office, in Fortaleza, he receives patients from various cities in Brazil and the world seeking treatment.

With a postgraduate degree in Facial Harmonization in one of the largest anatomy centers in the world, the MARC Institute (Miami Anatomical Research Center), in Miami, United States, Dr. Igor has attracted those interested in carrying out harmonization through non-invasive procedures. However, despite being simple, the technique requires serious professional evaluation. Therefore, people from different countries have sought the doctor's services due to his specialization in the subject. 

O mandibular filling It is capable of promoting greater facial harmonization and widening the lower third of the face. Thus providing a more aligned face, which is why its association with facial pairing

Dr. Igor Ribeiro
Report Dr. Igor Ribeiro Rola Magazine Exame Lente Dental Harmonizacao Facial Fortaleza
Mandibular Filling in Fortaleza | Dr. Igor Ribeiro

Who is looking for jaw filling?

This result is highly sought after by men looking for a more defined face, angular and seen as masculine. However, women are also very interested in the technique, considering that it is capable of eliminating the famous double chin. This is because local filler reduces tissue flaccidity and softens the so-called “Chinese mustache”, creating a face-lift appearance.

The first phase of the process consists of the doctor and patient deciding what is the best path to follow to achieve the desired result. In some cases, other techniques can even be associated with fillers to give the face a more natural appearance. That's why it's important to look for a professional who has knowledge of harmonization in general. This way, he can have a broader vision of how to achieve the desired result. 

The procedure of mandibular filling in Fortaleza It usually lasts around half an hour, and is practically painless. This is because it includes application of local anesthesia. Furthermore, there is no post-operative care, just a set of care to ensure the durability of the result.

filling of the jaw in Fortaleza jaw contour more defined jaw square face Fortaleza

How is mandibular filling in Fortaleza performed?

It is done using a fine needle, with which the patient receives injections of hyaluronic acid into the jaw line. The result is the definition of the chin area, creating new angles and, consequently, improving the shape of the face.

  • O jaw contour with hyaluronic acid has an average duration of 12 to 24 months. However, this may vary from person to person. However, if by chance the results are not satisfactory, the procedure can be entirely reversed.
Mandibular filling in Fortaleza Mandibula Aesthetic Clinic

The technique varies according to the needs of each patient, depending on their gender and facial biotype. With this, people who seek to achieve different results can achieve it through it. Having such a varied range of patients, Dr. Igor has sought to use his expertise to meet the needs of those seeking Mandibular filling in Fortaleza.

Dr. Igor Ribeiro | Aesthetic Dentistry & Facial Harmonization | Mandibular filling in Fortaleza | Jaw Contouring | Square Face | Improvement in face shape

Dr. Igor Ribeiro

Dr. Igor Ribeiro | Igor Ribeiro Rola - Graduation in Dentistry at UNIFOR (University of Fortaleza). - Postgraduate in Dental Prosthesis at UNICRISTHUS. - Graduated in Facial Harmonization at the MARC Institute (Miami Anatomical Research Center) Miami, FL.

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