You are currently viewing PODCAST DR. IGOR RIBEIRO | AGORAPOD VERÃO #05 Em Beach Park Fortaleza

Alê and Guga welcome the renowned Dr. Igor Ribeiro, a true authority in the world of aesthetic dentistry and facial harmonization.

If you have ever wondered about the secrets behind perfect smiles and harmonious faces, this episode is unmissable! Dr. Igor takes us on a fascinating journey through his professional journey, from his first steps in dentistry to becoming a recognized expert in facial harmonization.

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Get ready to uncover the mysteries and nuances of this vibrant field, full of techniques, innovations and stories that transform lives. And it's not just about aesthetics; it's about confidence, self-esteem and the art of creating smiles that reflect the true essence of each individual.

Dr. Igor shares with us secrets and curiosities that go beyond the surface, offering valuable insights into trends, procedures and the magic of transforming faces with precision and passion.

PRESENTERS: Alê Instagram: @‌alexandre_lima_ Guga Instagram: @‌djgugadecastro

GUEST Instagram: igorribeiror

Dr. Igor Ribeiro

Dr. Igor Ribeiro | Igor Ribeiro Rola - Graduation in Dentistry at UNIFOR (University of Fortaleza). - Postgraduate in Dental Prosthesis at UNICRISTHUS. - Graduated in Facial Harmonization at the MARC Institute (Miami Anatomical Research Center) Miami, FL.

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