Dental contact lenses are a new product that has attracted many people who want to correct their teeth and make them whiter.
Have you heard about it?
So follow us in this article until the end and learn everything about this technique that can leave you with a beautiful smile!
What is dental contact lens?
Dental contact lenses are ultra-thin sheets of ultra-resistant porcelain applied to the teeth.
Dr. Igor Ribeiro
They're not the same as those contact lenses you put in your eyes, okay?
What are the main benefits of placing a dental contact lens?
The procedure for placing dental contact lenses They are extremely simple and bring many benefits to patients.
The main benefits are:
·Repairs teeth with fractures and wear
Improves tooth color
Can join separate teeth together
·Corrects fractured teeth
For those who suffer from any of these problems, lenses are the perfect solution.
A simple detail can correct small defects and bring a beautiful smile to your face.
And who doesn't want to look more beautiful, right?
You can once again expose what is the best way to express happiness, if not, your smile.
What is the difference between dental contact lenses and veneers?
The main difference between lenses and veneers is thickness.
Furthermore, another factor that differentiates them is the question of whether they are more or less invasive.
In the case of lenses, they are very thin in relation to porcelain, so much so that from the name itself we already imagine something extremely thin, almost invisible.
This helps to make it less invasive than veneers.
Therefore, the lenses require less effort to place, in addition to not scraping your teeth and not being a painful procedure.
What are the biggest myths about using dental contact lenses?
Many stories are told about the use of dental contact lenses.
But after all, what is truth and what is a lie?
Let's look at some statements.

I can't eat all the foods?
You can eat any food and there will be no interference with the lenses.
The lenses are stain-resistant, which doesn't even stop you from eating foods that normally stain your teeth, such as dyes, coffee or wine.
People with bruxism cannot apply contact lenses to their teeth?
Even people with bruxism, who grind or clench their teeth during sleep, can undergo the procedure.
For those who suffer from so-called bruxism, which is the act of grinding or chattering teeth during sleep, simply use a simple bite plate, the i
The deal is for the patient to treat bruxism first, but if they don't want to, there is no impediment to using the lenses.

Come and get dental contact lenses fitted in Fortaleza with us!
And if you are interested in placing a dental contact lens, the Bill Rola Laser Center in Dentistry We have qualified and experienced professionals, as well as cutting-edge technology to provide you with the best smile.
The Dental Surgeon Dr. Igor Ribeiro He is a qualified professional, holding a Postgraduate Degree in Facial Harmonization from the Marc Institute, located in Miami, USA.

Come and see our clinic located at R. Tibúrcio Cavalcante, 2935 – Dionísio Torres, Fortaleza – CE, 60125-101.
Our opening hours are from 8am to 6:30pm, Monday to Friday.
We are waiting for you!
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