Resin Veneer in Fortaleza
Do you know the difference between resin veneers and contact lenses?
Not yet? Then you are not the only one! Many people are still confused about the differences between each one, and even whether or not there are differences between them. But don't worry: we will explain everything to you in this article.
Continue reading and you will learn more about the resin veneers and resin lenses! Shall we check it out?

Veneers and Resin Lenses: the purpose
A white and harmonious smile is the desire of many people, that's the truth. Still, tooth whitening alone may not be enough to achieve the desired goal. There may be other points to be improved, such as the size of the teeth, the shape of the teeth and the closure of spaces between the teeth, which we call “diastemas”.
Seeking to improve the anatomy and color of the teeth, the procedure of veneers/lenses in resins is one of the best options for those who want a beautiful smile, quickly and conservatively.
Shall we know more about them?
Resin veneers or resin lenses?
Both Veneers and Resin Lenses are aesthetic restorations made in surface teeth, with the material we call Composite Resin. The difference between them is in the thickness of each one.
The term “Dental Contact Lens” was used, in Dentistry, to designate any and all facets of extremely thin thickness, whether made of Composite Resin or Ceramics (Porcelain).
What would be the best choice after all? Resin veneers or resin lenses?
The answer is: it depends.
Resin veneers in Fortaleza are thicker, making them more effective in terms of breaking resistance, covering stains, closing gaps and straightening crooked teeth.
To the Lenses, on the other hand, are thinner facets, with a thickness less than 1mm, which requires more precise and delicate application. It is recommended for cases of subtle corrections, such as minor corrections to the dental contour, a slight increase in size and a smooth change in the tone of the teeth.
The ideal procedure is directed by the dentist, after evaluating each case.
How do I find out which option is best for me?
Are you from Fortaleza and have doubts about what would be the best option? Resin Veneers or Contact Lenses in Fortaleza?
Don't worry, the first step is to look for a quality professional who will examine you and correctly indicate the best procedure, based on your needs.
How is the placement of resin lenses in fortress?
The procedure is performed by the dentist in the office. Composite resin, unlike porcelain contact lenses, is hand carved directly onto the teeth.
And how do resin veneers work?
It's simple: composite resin is a malleable material that can be molded onto teeth and that, when hardened, works as a Protective Case that covers the tooth surface.
And how long can it last?
Resin veneers or resin lenses can last many years! But many factors can influence its durability, such as: excessive consumption of pigmented foods, poor oral hygiene, parafunctional habits (such as bruxism), etc. In addition, it is very important to carry out periodic maintenance at the dentist, so that they always remain smooth, shiny and free of irregularities.

When are veneers and lenses recommended?
We need, first of all, to know when this procedure is indicated for us, right?
So let's find out!
Veneers and lenses are indicated in cases of:
- Irregularities in the shape of the teeth
- Size irregularity between teeth
- Color changes
- Dental Fracture
- Large spaces between teeth
It all depends on how your teeth are today.
If the customer wants a faster, more accessible result with the possibility of making modifications, resin veneers and lenses they are the best option!
When are veneers and lenses not recommended?
It is very important to know when contraindicate veneers and lenses. To do this, it is essential to consult a good professional, who will be able to clarify and know when not to recommend a procedure that will not be good for your case, avoiding damage to your aesthetics and health.
Shall we check it out?
This procedure is not recommended:
- When the patient suffers from extreme bruxism
- When a patient has very crooked teeth, prior use of orthodontic braces is necessary.
- When the patient is not in good oral health
- When the patient does not have good oral hygiene
And remember: the durability of the resin depends mainly on the patient's own care.
Dental Contact Lenses (Porcelain)
To the Dental Contact Lenses or Ceramic Laminates are characterized by thin ceramic veneers (porcelain) which, unlike resin veneers, are made in the laboratory by molding the patient's teeth.
Porcelain or ceramic is a great resistance, durability and surface smoothness (which gives shine). Because it is not a porous material, like resin, it does not absorb pigment from food and does not lose its shine over time. Furthermore, when cemented (glued) to teeth, they make the structure much more resistant than the natural tooth itself.
Porcelain Dental Contact Lenses are an excellent alternative for those who want a more harmonious smile, which is extremely resistant and long-lasting.
With correct oral hygiene habits and periodic visits to the dentist for cleaning and maintenance, they can last a lifetime.
They must be as thin as resin veneers (minimum thickness of 0.25mm) and the technological advances involved in this material have made it possible to reduce dental wear to almost zero.
And then, did you know the main characteristics of veneers and resins and contact lenses?
No matter what degree of need you believe your dental arch has, it is always important to look for a professional to assess what the ideal is. most recommended procedure for your case.
Whether they are Resin Veneers, Resin Lenses or Porcelain Dental Contact Lenses.
Continue following our posts to find out more about dental and facial aesthetics!

Where to perform Resin Veneers in Fortaleza?
IBR CLINIC – Riomar Trade Center
R. Des. Lauro Nogueira (Room 204 c.2), 1500 – Papicu, Fortaleza – CE, 60176-065