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from Dr. Igor Ribeiro
It’s incredible how we can change our entire facial expression with a smile. I'm very happy to be participating in each of these cases, giving my best, the laboratory doing its part with mastery and in the end... The result 😍

8 Ceramic laminates of the “Contact Lens” type, color BL2

*Immediate photo after cementation ⠀
#odontologiaestetica #estheticdentistry #dentistafortaleza⠀
TPD Well – São Paulo

Dr. Igor Ribeiro Rola
CRO-CE: 9062

Dr. Igor Ribeiro

Dr. Igor Ribeiro | Igor Ribeiro Rola - Graduation in Dentistry at UNIFOR (University of Fortaleza). - Postgraduate in Dental Prosthesis at UNICRISTHUS. - Graduated in Facial Harmonization at the MARC Institute (Miami Anatomical Research Center) Miami, FL.

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